5S Training Simulations and Games

5S Training Simulation
Use 5S simulations and Games in your Training


Buy a 5S Simulation Game


5S Training simulations and games are an invaluable training aid. Below are a few 5S simulations and 5S games that you can purchase to help you with implementing your 5S training program, if you are to educate your employees or you are working as a trainer or a consultant these 5S Training simulations and games are an invaluable resource.

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Why use 5S Simulations and Games


Use 5S simulations and Games in your Training

If you wish to train people in the application of 5S for lean manufacturing the best way forward is the use of simple 5S games and 5S simulations. 5S is one of those skills that is best learned through doing, the use of these simple 5S training simulations will both engage and educate your trainees.
People retain more information through doing something than being told about it, so a training session in which they have to actually implement the steps of 5S is the most effective tool.
Many of these 5S training games are also very quick, this lends them to being an effective tool for persuading higher management as to the value of implementing a 5S program and demonstrating the benefits of 5S.





Using 5S simulations and Games


These 5S simulations are very simple and can be used to effectively demonstrate the power of implementing 5S within your training courses. The use of a stopwatch allows you to demonstrate the time saved from going from the unorganized initial stage to the final 5S ideal and each stage between as well as demonstrating other benefits such as the power of visual management in eliminating quality problems.


Create you own 5S simulations and Games


There are a few simple 5S simulations that you can create for yourself or even download;
The first is the 5S numbers game (or 5S letters game); a simple paper exercise where you use simple printed sheets on which are printed collections of letters and numbers which then have to be marked off by the participants. As each stage of 5S is applied to the sheets the time taken to mark through the numbers and letters significantly reduces and the ability to spot any missing components increases.
This is a very simple 5S simulation and is available in a number of places on the internet such as here; 5S Numbers simulation game


5S Lego Game


Another 5S simulation can be built using Lego and a series of toolboxes (or tackle boxes); the aim is to build a simple model using the Lego and a set of instructions. The first toolbox should be the worst case scenario; all of the Lego blocks should be mixed in the bottom of the toolbox along with many additional parts that are not required, the instructions should be simple text instructions without any diagrams.
The final toolbox should contain only the required Lego blocks, each located in a clearly labelled cell in the order that they are required for assembly. Instructions should be very clear annotated digital photographs.
You can use this with just two toolboxes or you can create a series of intermediate stages to reflect each 5S stage as well as toolboxes with missing components which can be seen obviously in the organised version but cannot be spotted in the chaotic initial stages.


Build your own 5S Simulation


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5S Training Resources


You may also wish to consider the following other items if you are looking to conduct 5S traiiniing as part of your 5S implementation program;

5S posters to help you have a clear and visual message across your working environment

5S Training materials which contain a variety of 5S training materials

5S Books to educate yourself or as a resource for others

5S DVDs to help break up your training and provide some good examples as well as an individual 5S resource.

5S Pocket reference cards as a quick and handy guide to 5S

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If you have any questions or suggestions regarding 5S Training simulations and 5S games then please leave a comment below.

By leanman

Started work in first tier supply to the Automotive Industry supplying all of the big Automotive companies including Toyota. Became heavily involved in Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma and Quality Management. Eventually moved out to become a consultant working for Government bodies and Cranfield University as well as working within the Institute for Manufacturing at Cambridge University. My working life has seen me move from shop floor to General Manager Level. I have an MSc in Manufacturing; Management and Technology.


  1. Dear Editor,

    Good day, I am very much interested on your 5S simulation Game/Build your Own 5S simulation, since we are in the promotion and continuing use of 5S. My problem is I cannot view your sample simulation games because of some internal IT restriction ,with this I am asking if possible to send it thru my email those few samples with the tag price and where to contact and purchase. I will really appreciate if you can send it as soon as possible. Thanks and God Bless

  2. I would like to establish my own firm for giving training in 5 S workplace management. I need your kind guidance on this Kind advise.

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