48 search results for "Just in time"

Just in Time (JIT) Production

What is Just in Time?   Just in Time (JIT), as the name suggests, is a management philosophy that calls for the production of what the customer wants, when they want it, in the quantities requested, where they want it,…


3 Bin Kanban

What is Kanban?   Kanban is a visual method for controlling production as part of Just in Time (JIT) and Lean Manufacturing. As part of a pull system it controls what is produced, in what quantity, and when. Its purpose…

Muri Overburden

7 Wastes

What is Muri?   Muri is to Overburden your employees or machines, it can also be seen as “unreasonableness”. It is placing operators and machines under unnecessary stress by making demands on them that are unreasonable and often very unnecessary.…

Download 5S eBook

5S Downloads

Download 5S books The following are a selection of 5S books that are available for download for you to read on a kindle, your PC or even your phone with the right applications. [amazon_enhanced asin=”B004HHORLA” /] [amazon_enhanced asin=”B0045EOJDQ” /] [amazon_enhanced…

The Seven Wastes | 7 Mudas

Seven Wastes of Lean Manufacturing, 7 Mudas

7 Wastes of Lean Manufacturing The seven wastes of Lean Manufacturing are what we are aiming to remove from our processes by removing the causes of Mura and Muri as well as tackling Muda directly. But what exactly are the…