5S DVDs and Videos

5S Training DVD

  Buy 5S DVDs Online If you are going to run 5S In-house training or conduct 5S training for others you can buy 5S DVDs online as well as download a variety of videos on the subject of lean manufacturing…

Download 5S eBook

5S Downloads

Download 5S books The following are a selection of 5S books that are available for download for you to read on a kindle, your PC or even your phone with the right applications. [amazon_enhanced asin=”B004HHORLA” /] [amazon_enhanced asin=”B0045EOJDQ” /] [amazon_enhanced…

5S Supplies

5S products

  Recommended 5S supplies Below are a selection of 5S Supplies and 5S products that may help you with regard to you 5S implementation program, either for 5S trainers running 5S training or for your own in-house 5S training and…

5S Books

5S Book

5S reference materials Below are selections of what I consider to be good works on the subject of 5S for lean manufacturing. 5S is one of the most important foundation blocks of lean manufacturing, without implementing a 5S program you…

5S Training Simulations and Games

5S Training Simulation

  Buy a 5S Simulation Game   5S Training simulations and games are an invaluable training aid. Below are a few 5S simulations and 5S games that you can purchase to help you with implementing your 5S training program, if…

5S Posters

5S Poster

Lean 5S Posters for the Workplace.   There are a number of Lean 5S posters available out there and I have links and pictures below for several that are available for you to purchase. These 5S posters can aid you…

Lean 6S; 5S + Safety

Lean 6S Safety

  What is Lean 6S   Many companies will tell you that they implementĀ  lean 6S; 6S being 5S plus the added step of safety. 5S is a methodical method to improve your housekeeping and standardize your processes making them…

5S Office; Implement the Lean Office

Lean 5S for the office

  Implement Lean 5S in theĀ  Office   Lean principles are as applicable in a service industry or your administrative offices as they are in Manufacturing; in fact in some cases even more important. Applying lean thinking and lean tools…

Lean 5S Shitsuke, Sustain, custom and practice

Sustain 5S Lean

  5S Shitsuke   5S Shitsuke is the fifth and final stage of 5S; 5S being a lean manufacturing tool for ensuring standardized, efficient operations as well as excellent housekeeping. By implementing 5S within your organization you work to eliminate…