14 search results for "poka yoke"

Poka Yoke

Poka Yoke

What is Poka Yoke Poka Yoke or Mistake proofing is a simple technique that developed out of the Toyota Production system through Jidoka and Autonomation.  It is normally a simple and often inexpensive device that prevents defects from being made…

Muri Overburden

7 Wastes

What is Muri?   Muri is to Overburden your employees or machines, it can also be seen as “unreasonableness”. It is placing operators and machines under unnecessary stress by making demands on them that are unreasonable and often very unnecessary.…



What is Jidoka? The forgotten Pillar of the Toyota Production System   Jidoka is the often forgotten pillar of the Toyota Production system and lean manufacturing yet it is one of the most important principles of lean that can help…



What is Autonomation? Autonomation is automation with a human touch; but what does that really mean and where has it come from? Sakichi Toyoda invented a loom in 1896 that not  only operated automatically but also stopped when any of…

Predictive Maintenance

Predictive Maintenance

What is Predictive Maintenance Predictive maintenance uses a number of tools and techniques to monitor the condition of your machines and equipment to predict when problems are going to occur by identifying the symptoms of wear and other failures. Also…

What is Lean | Lean Manufacturing Definition

Lean Manufacturing Definition

Defining Lean Manufacturing   Lean Manufacturing is a term that has been around now for many years, originally spawned within the MIT study that led to the book “The Machine That Changed the World” by Womack and Jones in 1990.…

Preventive Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance

What is Preventive Maintenance Preventative or preventive maintenance is a simple method to ensure that you get reliable and efficient performance from you plant and equipment within your organization. It is important to ensure that machinery does not break down…