14 search results for "poka yoke"

What is TPM

What is TPM

Development of TPM Total productive maintenance (TPM) is one of the foundation blocks of any lean manufacturing implementation; after all it is not possible to improve our processes if we cannot rely on our equipment and machines. Combined with 5S;…

The Seven Wastes | 7 Mudas

Seven Wastes of Lean Manufacturing, 7 Mudas

7 Wastes of Lean Manufacturing The seven wastes of Lean Manufacturing are what we are aiming to remove from our processes by removing the causes of Mura and Muri as well as tackling Muda directly. But what exactly are the…

History of Lean Manufacturing

Lean History

Lean Manufacturing History   When people think of lean manufacturing they normally think that it began with Toyota and some go as far back as Ford and his production lines for the Model T ford, but depending on how you…