48 search results for "Just in time"

Mura – Unevenness; Production Leveling

Uneven demand

What is Mura?   Most Lean practitioners that I have met have little idea as to what is Mura only really being aware of Muda or the seven wastes. Within the Toyota Production system however, which spawned what we now…

Planning and running Kaizen Events

Kaizen Event

Kaizen events are short duration improvement projects with a specific aim for improvement; typically they are week long events led by a facilitator with the implementation team being predominantly members of the area in which the kaizen event is being…

What is Kaizen?


Kaizen Definition   We can define kaizen very simply from its original Japanese as meaning “change for the better”, but what does this actually mean as a kaizen philosophy?   Japanese Kaizen   Kaizen began its life shortly after world…

Why does Six Sigma need Lean?

There has been much written about both Lean and Six Sigma and many within the business improvement industry have promoted the use of both techniques combined as Lean Sigma, but just why do the experts say that you should use…

Creating A Value Stream Map

Value Stream Map

This is a step by step guide to creating a current state value stream map, the first step in working towards your ideal state value stream and a truly lean system. Your current state value stream map is a team…

VSM Value Stream Mapping


What is VSM This article is an Overview of VSM, if you want more detailed information n please look at; Step by Step Guide to creating a value stream map Creating an ideal state VSM   Value stream mapping (VSM)…

Process Mapping your Value Stream

Value Stream Map

What is process mapping? Process mapping your value stream is all about detailing the specific actions that are taken throughout your entire process or a specific portion of your processes. There are a number of process mapping tools that you…



What is Jidoka? The forgotten Pillar of the Toyota Production System   Jidoka is the often forgotten pillar of the Toyota Production system and lean manufacturing yet it is one of the most important principles of lean that can help…



What is Autonomation? Autonomation is automation with a human touch; but what does that really mean and where has it come from? Sakichi Toyoda invented a loom in 1896 that not  only operated automatically but also stopped when any of…

Poka Yoke

Poka Yoke

What is Poka Yoke Poka Yoke or Mistake proofing is a simple technique that developed out of the Toyota Production system through Jidoka and Autonomation.  It is normally a simple and often inexpensive device that prevents defects from being made…