5S DVDs and Videos


Buy 5S DVDs Online

If you are going to run 5S In-house training or conduct 5S training for others you can buy 5S DVDs online as well as download a variety of videos on the subject of lean manufacturing and 5S. Most of these 5S DVDs are cheap compared to what was being charged years ago, I can remember one of my old employers paying thousands for some interactive presentation DVDs.

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Why use 5S DVDs and Videos


5S Training DVD

Use 5S DVDs to liven up training courses

Video can be far more effective for training than just a simple presentation or reading a book on the subject, although I have seen a few training videos over the years that made me want to sleep. The worst video being an FMEA video from Ford motor company that actually made senior management sleep; this was reported back to Ford when their representative conducted an audit of our facility only to have us fail as the auditor was actually the presenter in the video!
That aside, the quality of most 5S DVDs are very good and there are a few that I would recommend above, they can be used to break up any training session and often contain a host of examples that you would not get to see otherwise.
These videos can also be used for personal and individual education as well as a reminder of the skills required for 5S. Used as part of your 5S training they are a very useful addition and often help your employees retain far more information than otherwise.
I have used a number of these videos and it is not uncommon to hear the team referring to items in the 5S DVDs when discussing improvements to their own work cells.


Other 5S Resources to go with your 5S DVDs


The following other 5S training resources may also help if you are planning to train people in the application of 5S;

5S Books to give you a good background in 5S and some examples of what a good implementation should look like, you can also download 5S books.

5S Posters to put up within your facility to imprint 5S in the minds of all employees.

5S training simulations and games to give a fun and informative way of conducting training.

5S supplies to help you with running your 5S implementation.

5S pocket reference guides as a quick reminder of 5S principles.

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Download 5S Videos


There are a host of 5S videos available on the internet that can be used to educate yourself and others on the subject of 5S, they vary in quality and in length considerably however most have their merits. Watching a variety of these video shorts can often be quite educational.



If you have any questions on 5S DVDs and Videos or wish to make any recommendations then feel free to use the comments below.

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