The Links (Pictures) below will take you to all of our available 5S resources to help you fully understand this powerful lean manufacturing tool; Click on the pictures below for more detailed information about 5S.
What is 5S; Definition and Benefits
Learn just what is 5S and how your business can benefit from implementing this very simple yet highly effective Lean Tool.
- What is 5S
- Benefits of 5S
What is 5S Lean The Benefits of 5S
The 5 steps of 5S
Detailed information regarding the 5 steps of 5S as well as the sixth step that some companies add; Safety (or 6S).
The 5Ss are; Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke. 5S in English are Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardise, and Sustain. Some companies use 6S adding safety as a 6th step in the methodology.
- 5S Sort
- 5S Set in Order
- 5S Shine / Cleaning
- 5S Standardize
- 5S Sustain
- 6S Safety
Implementing 5S
Guides as to how you should go about implementing 5S within your workplace or office.
- 5S Program Implementation
- 5S Office
5S Training
Help with training your employees to understand and implement the 5S process.
- 5S Training
- 5S Training Course
- Hire a 5S Trainer
5S Resources;
5S resources; from books and DVDs to Games and Red Tags. Everything you could need to implement 5S.
- 5S Posters
- 5S DVDs
- 5S Quick Reference Guide
- 5S Books
- 5S Supplies
- 5S Games
- 5S Training Materials
It is very important for every organization.
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